The Digital Endangered Languages and Musics Archives Network was established in 2003 as an international umbrella body for archives and other initiatives with the goal of documenting and archiving endangered languages and cultures worldwide. Our aim is to stimulate interaction about practical matters that result from the experiences of fieldworkers and archivists, and to act as an information clearinghouse. DELAMAN is intended as an open organisation where any organisation that is actively engaged in the archiving and preservation of endangered languages and musics can participate. We welcome inquiries from potential new members. If you are interested in joining DELAMAN, have a look at this page.
DELAMAN aims to hold in-person membership and board meetings once per year. For an overview of past and upcoming meetings, see the meetings page.
One of DELAMAN’s goals is to serve as a clearinghouse for information. See the resources page for useful links to information related to digital archiving and linguistic fieldwork. Please contact us if you know of a site or resource that ought to be listed.
DELAMAN proposed a motion to the Linguistic Society of America (LSA) concerning the archiving of language documentation materials. It stated “In recognition of the fact that any resource on an endangered language is likely to be irreplaceable and in recognition that digital resources are as vulnerable to deterioration as non-digital resources, DELAMAN recommends that resources on endangered languages and cultures be deposited in an appropriate preservation archive; that is, an institution with a commitment to permanence.”
Information about how to join DELAMAN can be found here.